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Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького Національної
академії наук України

Про розмір оплати за надання платних послуг Інститутом держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
(Наказ № 23 від 29.02.2024 р.)

Правила прийому на навчання
до аспірантури та докторантури Інституту держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
в 2024 році

Акуленко В І.
Науково-публіцистичні етюди до портрета професора Володимира Денисова венциклопедичному інтер’єрі до 70-річчя Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України

Євроатлантичний вектор України: національна доповідь./ ред.кол. С.І. Пирожков,І.О.Кресіна, А.І. Кудряченко, Ю.С. Шемшученко та ін.Інститут держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України. Київ: Національна академія наук України,2019. 328 с.

Правова позиція щодо статусу Автономної Республіки Крим

Рецензія на Енциклопедію міжнародного права (Том 1)

Бібліометричний профіль інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України у
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Agrarian, land and ecological law issues Department

Agrarian, land and ecological law issues Department

Department last major academic specializations

  • issues of right to agriculture property;
  • organizational and legal problems of state providing of Ukraine Agrarian and Industrial Complex;
  • legal issues of agrarian and land markets formation and development;
  • legal problems of investment to development of agriculture and social rural sphere;
  • organizational and legal issues of providing of innovation activities in agriculture.

Members of the Department

Semchyk Vitalii - Head of the Department, Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Fellow of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of Ukraine Law Sciences Academy, Head Researcher, Ukraine State science and techniques prize laureate, Honoured Science and Techniques Worker of Ukraine. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «The legal position of specialists of collective farm» (1975), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) “The problems of organizationally – legal providing of the rational use of property of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of AIC (Agrarian and Industrial Complex)” (1985).

Malysheva Nataliya - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Deputy Director of International Centre of space law, Academician of Ukraine Law Sciences Academy, Fellow of International Academy of astronautics, Honoured lawyer of Ukraine, Ukraine State science and techniques prize laureate, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine D.Manuyilski prize laureate. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Protection of the Environment against Noise (legal and organizational aspects)» (1979), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) «Harmonization of the Environmental Legislation in Europe» (1996).

Kostytsky Vasyl - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Fellow of Ukraine Law Sciences Academy, Honoured lawyer of Ukraine. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Problems of improvement of the management of environmental protection on the region level» (1986), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) «Economical and legal mechanism of environmental protection in Ukraine: theory and practice» (2004).

Kulynych Pavlo – Senior Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), Deputy Head of the Department. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Legal regulation of rational use of meliorated lands» (1985), working on thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) «Legal problem of protection and use of agricultural lands».

Oleshchenko Viacheslav – Senior Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Honoured lawyer of Ukraine, Ukraine State science and techniques prize laureate, assistant professor, Academician of Ukrainian ecological academy of sciences (department of law and management), Vice-president of Ukrainian geographic society, member of Ukraine Union of lawyers. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Geography) «Geosystem's Organization Analysis for the Natural Environment Protection Optimization» (1992).

Krasilich Nataliia - Senior Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), Assistant professor. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Organizational and legal issues of protection of the natural reserve fund» (1988), working on thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) concerning space law problems.

Busuiok Diana - Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «The legal regulations of limitation of land rights in Ukraine» (2005).


Polivodskyy Oleksandr - Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Legal aspects of realization of rural products» (1999).

Bigun Viacheslav – Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Person in law: the axiological approach» (2004).

Chornous Oleksandra - Junior Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Legal regulations of the natural resources use and protection in the exceptional (marine) economic zone of Ukraine» (2007).

Fedorovska Olga - Junior Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Legal securing of public ecological control in Ukraine» (2007).

Salko Oleksandr - Junior Researcher, working on thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Systematization (ordering) of the agrarian legislation of Ukraine».

Kulish Tetiana – assistant.


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