Вибори директора
Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького Національної
академії наук України

Про розмір оплати за надання платних послуг Інститутом держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
(Наказ № 23 від 29.02.2024 р.)

Правила прийому на навчання
до аспірантури та докторантури Інституту держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
в 2024 році

Акуленко В І.
Науково-публіцистичні етюди до портрета професора Володимира Денисова венциклопедичному інтер’єрі до 70-річчя Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України

Євроатлантичний вектор України: національна доповідь./ ред.кол. С.І. Пирожков,І.О.Кресіна, А.І. Кудряченко, Ю.С. Шемшученко та ін.Інститут держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України. Київ: Національна академія наук України,2019. 328 с.

Правова позиція щодо статусу Автономної Республіки Крим

Рецензія на Енциклопедію міжнародного права (Том 1)

Бібліометричний профіль інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України у
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State government and administrative law issues Department

Department of State governance and administrative law

Major academic specializations of Department:

  • theoretical and practical issues of state government organizational and legal foundations development;
  • problems of formation and development of administrative and legal doctrine in conditions of European integration of Ukraine;
  • reforming of Ukraine public administration (administrative reform) legal providing problems;
  • legal issues of financial law development, in particular, budgetary and tax law.

Members of the Department

ANDRIYKO Olga - Head of the Department, Doctor of Legal Sciences, professor, Merited Lawyer of Ukraine, Leading Scientific Researcher. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of legal sciences “Organizational and legal problems of the state control in the sphere of executive power” (1999).

NAGREBELNYI Volodymyr - Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Scientific Researcher, Merited Lawyer of Ukraine, corresponding member of Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, distinguished lawyer of Ukraine, Deputy director of Institute,  thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of candidate of science (law) “Organizational and legal issues of management of material and technical agriculture providing” (1983).

KYSIL Loudmila - Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Scientific Researcher, thesis for obtaining scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences “Administrative and legal status of the head of an enterprise: theoretical issues” (1998).

DERETS Victoria - Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Scientific Researcher, thesis for obtaining scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences “Managerial relations in the system of bodies of executive power and their legal regulation” (2006).

TYMOSCHUK Victor - Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Scientific Researcher, thesis for obtaining scientific degree scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences “The procedure for the adoption of administrative acts: the legal regulation ”(2009).

ISAEVA Nataliya - Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Senior Scientific Researcher, thesis for obtaining scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences  “Problems of legal regulation of local councils of people’s deputies financial activities” (1993).

VOROTINA  Nataliya - Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Senior Scientific Researcher, thesis for obtaining scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences “The theoretical issues of Ukraine tax legislation” (1996).

SEMCHYK Olga -  Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Scientific Researcher, thesis for obtaining scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences “State as a subject of financial law” (2009).

BANCHUK Olexandr – Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.),Senior Scientific Researcher.

DUBENKO Valentyna – assistant of the Head of the Department.

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