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Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького Національної
академії наук України

Про розмір оплати за надання платних послуг Інститутом держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
(Наказ № 23 від 29.02.2024 р.)

Правила прийому на навчання
до аспірантури та докторантури Інституту держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
в 2024 році

Акуленко В І.
Науково-публіцистичні етюди до портрета професора Володимира Денисова венциклопедичному інтер’єрі до 70-річчя Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України

Євроатлантичний вектор України: національна доповідь./ ред.кол. С.І. Пирожков,І.О.Кресіна, А.І. Кудряченко, Ю.С. Шемшученко та ін.Інститут держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України. Київ: Національна академія наук України,2019. 328 с.

Правова позиція щодо статусу Автономної Республіки Крим

Рецензія на Енциклопедію міжнародного права (Том 1)

Бібліометричний профіль інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України у
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Constitutional law and local self-government Department

Constitutional law and local self-government Department

Department last major academic specializations

  • ssues of constitutional and legal foundations of democracy, state authority, local self-government, national safety and defense;
  • sources of constitutional law of Ukraine;
  • constitutional and legal relations in Ukraine;
  • actual constitutional problems of state power organization in Ukraine;
  • features of national information relations formation, perspectives of development of Ukrainian information legislation, constitutional right to information, formation and function of State bodies information systems, information aspects of realization of democracy constitutional forms, use information and communication systems in infrastructure of Ukraine political system;
  • formation and development of financial law, in particular, budgetary and tax law.

Members of the  Department

Shemshuchenko Iurii - Director of Koretsky Institute of state and law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of Ukraine Law Sciences Academy, foreign member of Russian Academy of Sciences. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Providing socialistic legality in the activity of local organs of soviet state administration with public prosecutions facilities (on materials of Ukrainian SSR)» (1970). Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) «The state administration of environmental protection in the USSR» (1979).

Yushik Oleksij - Doctor of Sciences (Law), Leading Researcher. Thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Legal reform as transformation (reorganization) mode of state’s institutes” (1996). Thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) “Theoretical problems of legislative process” (2006).

Kryvenko Lidiya - Doctor of Sciences (Law), Head Researcher. Thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Legal issues of organization and activities of Soviet Union republics Supreme councils regular commissions” (1966). Thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) “The legislative activities of Soviet Union Supreme councils” (1987).

Murashyn Genadij - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Offices of Public Prosecutor in Soviet state mechanism” (1972).

Isaeva Nataliya - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of the Department, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Problems of legal regulation of local councils of people’s deputies financial activities” (1993).

Vorotina  Nataliya - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “The theoretical issues of Ukraine tax legislation” (1996).

Gayeva Nadija - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Soviet legislation on freedom of conscience: theoretical and practical issues” (1985).

Kostets’ka Tetyana - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) «Organizing and legal issues of informing population about the work of local councils, accepted decisions» (1990).

Antonov Volodymyr - Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Senior Researcher, assistant professor, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy) “Меthodological problems of military and political forecasting” (1987).

Batanov Oleksandr - Doctor of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Functions of the territorial hromadas as subjects of  the local self-government in Ukraine” (2000). Thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) “ Municipal power  in Ukraine: legal constitutional problems of theory and practice (2011).

Kuyan Iryna  – Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Administrative responsibility for environmental delicts” (2002).

Semchyk Olga -  Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior  Researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “State as a subject of financial law” (2009).

Batanova Nataliya - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Researcher, thesis for Obtaining Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Constitutional delicts in Ukraine: problems of theory and practice” (2007).

Surzhynskyi Maxim - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Junior Researcher, thesis for Оbtaining a scientific Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Citizenship of Ukraine as legal institute of Constitutional Law”(2008).

Omelchenko Natalia - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Junior Researcher, thesis for Оbtaining a scientific Candidate of Sciences (Law)“Legislative function of Parliament, peculiarities of its realization: constitutional legal aspect”(2011).

Getman Andrij - Junior Researcher, topic of scientific research “Administrative-territorial structure: constitutional legal aspects”.

Gorbatenko Oleksandra – assistant.

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