Вибори директора
Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького Національної
академії наук України

Про розмір оплати за надання платних послуг Інститутом держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
(Наказ № 23 від 29.02.2024 р.)

Правила прийому на навчання
до аспірантури та докторантури Інституту держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України
в 2024 році

Акуленко В І.
Науково-публіцистичні етюди до портрета професора Володимира Денисова венциклопедичному інтер’єрі до 70-річчя Інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України

Євроатлантичний вектор України: національна доповідь./ ред.кол. С.І. Пирожков,І.О.Кресіна, А.І. Кудряченко, Ю.С. Шемшученко та ін.Інститут держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України. Київ: Національна академія наук України,2019. 328 с.

Правова позиція щодо статусу Автономної Республіки Крим

Рецензія на Енциклопедію міжнародного права (Том 1)

Бібліометричний профіль інституту держави і права імені
В.М. Корецького НАН України у
Google Scholar

Criminal law, criminology and judicial system issues department

Criminal law, criminology and judicial system issues department

Department last major academic specializations

  • theoretical problems of criminal responsibility;
  • criminality and national safety in Ukraine;
  • actual problems of criminological safety in Ukraine;
  • actual problems of criminal justice in Ukraine;
  • criminal, legal and legal procedure aspects of administer justice;
  • criminal justice in Ukraine: actual problems of development.

Members of the Department

Kostenko Oleksandr - Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Department, Academician of Ukraine Law Sciences Academy, Honoured Science and Techniques Worker of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.Vasylenko prize laureate. Thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) “Will and conscious of criminal (study with use of naturalism principle” (1995).

Siryi Мykola - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Realization publicity principle in activity of first instance court in criminal cases” (1991).

Kvasha Oksana - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Organizer of crime: (criminal, legal and criminological study)” (1999).

Sergyi Prylutskyi - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Formation of Ukrainian professional judges corps” (2003).

Sirotkina Mariia - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Moral damage in criminal legal procedure of Ukraine” (2007).

Vigovs'ka Anna - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Junior Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Criminal and legal protection of morality in Ukraine” (2005).

Kubalskiy Vladislav - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Junior Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Criminal and legal issues of opposing to terrorism in Ukraine” (2008).

Nersesyan Armen - Junior Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Law), thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “Criminal and legal protection of rights to intellectual property” (2008).

Didyk Sergiy - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Junior Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “The Criminal and legal protection of justice from illegal acts of judge as a crime special subject” (2009).

Kozlyuk Lyudmila - Candidate of Sciences (Law), Junior Researcher, thesis for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences (Law) “The criminological characteristic of  criminal, who has committed sex crime against minor” (2009).


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